Saturday, November 30, 2019


THE MAGICIAN FOR UNFORGETTABLE BIRTHDAYS. (magicien anniversaire enfants Paris)

On the off chance that you need to depend on Manu, the Magician for birthday celebrations, fellowships or any family occasion, don't miss the suggestions he offers to make your gathering extremely magical .

Having Manu the Magician for birthday celebrations and other family parties is synonymous with fun, shock and quality Magic.

Magician for birthday 1

(Pictures affability of Marta Machín Photography's marvels . We know, they are stunning !)

(The marvel of nibble you see beneath is from The Sweetest Lab young ladies . Staggering rich and excellent!)

Throughout the years, Manu has been increasing a great deal of involvement with children's birthday festivities.

He has been in a wide range of rooms, lounges, carports pretty much "oversee" ... what's more, gradually he has been making a rundown of suggestions to make the Magic give you employ a genuine achievement .

They are extremely fundamental and logical suggestions that the main thing they are searching for is that your children, completely appreciate the S how of Magic . So that everything turns out by mouth!

1.) If the bite will be in a similar space as the Magic, the tables with the nourishment must be on the contrary side of the performance.

Magician for birthday 2

Manu in every case for the most part shows up 20 or 30 minutes before the hour of the show to have the option to set up all the material with time and that everything goes well. It isn't helpful to have children alongside you while having everything prepared.

2.) Manu needs a space that has a divider behind.

There you will put a compact drape behind which you can set up the entirety of your magical material in the most prudent manner.

Magician for birthday 3

3.) where the Magic will be done must be a long way from the passage entryway and the entrance entryway to the washrooms.

We should likewise stay away from the entry of individuals behind where Manu will be.

Envision that the show starts and all of a sudden a man with a mustache shows up behind Manu, or that Carlitos needs to pee earnestly and needs to go before everybody when going to and from the washroom. It would be somewhat irritating for watchers! Furthermore, what we need is to have fun.

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4.) With the experience he has been gathering throughout the years, Manu the Magician for children's birthday celebrations accepts that it is exceptionally prescribed to keep straightforward standards so children make some incredible memories and have a ball without limit:

All children must be situated. In a perfect world, everybody has their very own seat. In this manner they will in general move less and stay progressively mindful during the show. On the off chance that there are no seats for everybody, they can sit on the floor. (magicien anniversaire)

Children from 0 to 3 years of age that might be at the gathering should remain with their folks.

Poor, not very many children of those ages can stop during the 50 or an hour of the show.

That is the reason it is prescribed that they be in their arms or sitting with their folks. In this manner, on the off chance that they begin to get eager, they can be assumed to another position all the more effectively and without upsetting the remainder of the group of spectators.

Magician for seventh birthday celebration

It is significant that the bite isn't served during the show or that children are offered nourishment or drink.

It isn't a result of the "Devil sustained after 12 pm" impact , yet nearly. Envision the glasses spilling on the floor, the little ones battling for the snares, requesting progressively honorable sandwich when the first is done ... It is ideal that they center all their consideration around the show, they will appreciate it significantly more. And afterward they can nibble so lavishly.

eighth birthday celebration magician

On the off chance that there is a pet at home, it is smarter to remain in another room.

Manu's show incorporates pigeons, winged animals and bunnies . House pets may get apprehensive within the sight of different creatures.

ninth birthday celebration magician

On the off chance that there are fathers and mothers in the spot of the performance, it is likewise best that they stay situated and mindful.

Not just on the grounds that they will make some extraordinary memories and they will appreciate it a ton, but since in the event that they are talking, the foundation commotion is exceptionally irritating to both the observers and Manu. Thus, in the event that you need to "chat"you better go to another room.

In spite of the fact that in the event that they remain to watch the show, almost certainly, they end up as' Magician and having a pipe. For test, a photon:

tenth birthday celebration magician

In the event that the show is done abroad, ensure that both the children and Manu are in the shade. Particularly when the warmth begins to fix.

It is unadulterated rationale.

Envision the last film you found in the film that you adored.

Presently envision for a minute that a similar film you find in an open air space, with the sun high above, with wind, with children close by eating, tossing glasses, going back and forth to the washroom, grown-ups behind you tattling stronger and stronger, chatting on the telephone ...

OK have thought that it was a similarly fulfilling experience?

It would have appeared to be a "stunt"! Perceive that nothing occurs.

As we said toward the start, these proposals offered by Manu, the Magician for children's birthday events and other family parties are the aftereffect of long periods of experience working. The ones he considers essential for the heroes of the gathering to make the most of their day without limit and recollect it with eagerness for a long time. Little word!

Magician for eleventh birthday celebration

We are additionally persuaded that after Manu's performance , your children will go Crazy for Magic . So offer them the chance to adapt substantially more with our Online Magic Course. You'll fantasize viewing your children do magic !

Magician for children's birthday 7

We need to thank particularly the families that came to go with us to the occasion where these mind blowing photographs were taken. Without them and their children, the magic would not have occurred. Such a significant number of gratitude to:

furthermore, the stunning group of Eva de Wedding Colorin , a disclosure. A joy to have teamed up with her.

You like the post? Did you think that its viable or fascinating? All things considered, don't stop for a second and offer it with everybody.

You can likewise give us your supposition in the remarks. We will be glad to understand you. You can even reveal to us your experience in the event that you have seen or contracted a magician for birthday celebrations. What did you like, that you didn't care for. All that you disclose to us encourages us improve.

What's more, in the event that you are a group of the individuals who appreciate investing energy with your children and doing entertaining things, you can be the life of the gathering sorting out a family appear. You simply need to adhere to the directions we give you in our Family Magic Guide that you can download for nothing just by buying in to our Newsletter . Incredible blessing!

Magician for children's birthday celebrations

Tapping on the pictures you will see the first source from which they come.


  1. Etant dans le domaine de l'événementiel, je plussoie et je valide l'article.
    La magie est un moyen de communication exceptionnel pour véhiculer des émotions.

    magicien mentaliste Lyon
    magicien Lyon
    magicien entreprise Lyon

    magicien mariage Lyon
    magicien digital Lyon

    Magicien close-up Lyon

  2. Le magicien est un artiste qui suscite depuis longtemps la curiosité et l'admiration du public. Il est capable de réaliser des tours de magie fascinants qui semblent défier les lois de la physique et de la logique. Mais au-delà de son habileté technique, le magicien à découvrir est avant tout un performer qui sait captiver son public et créer une ambiance unique.

    Le travail du magicien commence souvent bien avant la représentation. Il doit sélectionner et préparer les tours de magie qu'il va présenter, en tenant compte du public, du lieu et du temps imparti. Il doit également s'entraîner régulièrement pour perfectionner sa technique et sa présentation.

  3. La magie est vraiment un atout pour animer un événement ! Que ce soit pour un mariage, un anniversaire ou un spectacle pour enfants, un magicien sait capter l’attention et émerveiller les invités. Rien de tel qu’un show interactif pour créer des souvenirs inoubliables !

    Si vous cherchez un magicien professionnel adapté à votre événement, ce site peut être une bonne référence : Magic Élites. Il propose des artistes spécialisés en close-up, mentalisme ou spectacles pour enfants, parfaits pour s’adapter à toutes les occasions.

    Avez-vous déjà assisté à un spectacle de magie lors d’un mariage ou d’une fête ?
